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Analysis: Modes of Relating Study

In Dance 3301- Analysis our second research study was called Modes of Relating. In this assignment we were to choreograph a short, simple and fun duet with another student. Once finished with the choreography we were to create a motif score and floor plan based off of our movement.

I worked on this assignment with fellow Buckeye Margaret Garland. The title of this short and fun piece is called "Let's Talk About Love" in honor of Celine Dion's 1997 album. We choreographed to Ms. Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On. Our mini duet insisted of a lot of gestural movements that we could easily understand and create a motif score from. We focused a lot on traveling through the space so we would have a range of movement for our floor plan. The most difficult part of this assignment was trying to write each individual score because there are so many details in one movement.

This video is our final rough draft of the assignment. Here will showcase the movement we used for the Final draft of the study.

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